Where to Get Medicinal Herbs

If you are wondering where you are supposed to get these herbs, I got you covered.  

If you are wanting culinary herbs, you can usually find powdered, dried, and fresh at your local grocery store.  Some health food stores now have herbs like nettle, dandelion, burdock root, rosehips, and others. 

You can grow herbs yourself, even if you think you don’t have a green thumb, I bet you do.  I used to think I didn’t have a green thumb, but now I am successfully growing things.  

You can go wildcrafting.  I will be posting more and more about this, but go check out what I already have on this topic.  

Local nurseries should have fresh herbs,  I have found a couple that has dried.  Also, check out your local farmer’s market.  

If you are not into wildcrafting and you want to buy in bulk, then the best supplier is Mountain Rose Herbs.  They always have the best herbs, I have never heard anyone say anything bad about their herbs.  The downfall though is you have to pay to ship, which we all haven’t gotten used to not paying, and it takes about a week to a week and a half to get to you.  

If you are wanting something on Amazon, I love the brands Frontier Co-op and Starwest.  At first, I wasn’t too crazy about Starwest, but they appear to have recently stepped up their game.  The majority of the time you will get really good herbs from these providers, however, once I got something I didn’t feel was top quality.  So every time I buy an herb from one of these two places I not only read the reviews but the most recent reviews and see what everyone’s overall comment is.   

With every herb, the prices vary.  Some herbs are inexpensive and other herbs are pretty pricey.  Most of the time a little bit goes a long way.  If you are used to eating out often or getting Starbucks every day, this will be nothing.  

If you are wanting herbs that have already been turned into a tincture or capsules, I would love to encourage you to buy from a small business,  Chances are the product is going to be higher quality that way.  Find a local herbalist or apothecary.  Look on etsy, facebook, instagram, or Tik Tok.  Most of these places are going to have to ship it to you.  If you are wanting herbal tinctures or capsules, and you want them now, I would recommend going to your local health food store.  Most local health food stores will carry Herb Pharm, Gaia, and Wild Oregon Harvest.  

As you can see there are so many ways to get your hands on herbs. 


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