Nutritive Herbs

This is one of the therapeutic actions. 

If you are a beginner at herbs, I recommend starting with nutritive herbs.  These are herbs that are packed with nutrients and can be used every day.  You can add these herbs to your everyday meals, make teas, and if done right can be your completely natural ‘supplements’ (I’ll talk more about that another day).  Not only are these herbs nourishing, but they can also be turned into medicine.  

So what are these herbs?  Here are a few of them:  

  • Alfalfa, Medicago.sativa,

  • Basil, Ocimum basilicum

  • Burdock, Arctium lappa, 

  • Calendula, Calendula officinalis

  • Caraway, Carum carvi

  • Cayenne, Capsicum annuum

  • Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla

  • Chickweed, Stellaria media

  • Chicory, Cichorium intybus

  • Chives, Allium schoenoprasum

  • Cleavers, Galium aparine

  • Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale

  • Dill, Anethum graveolens 

  • Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare

  • Garlic Allium sativum

  • Horseradish Armoracia rusticana

  • Kelp, Laminaria digitata

  • Mullein, Verbascum thapsus

  • Nettle, Urtica dioica

  • Parsley, Petroselinum crispum

  • Peppermint, Mentha × piperita

  • Plantain,  Plantago major 

  • Red clover, Trifolium. pratense, 

  • Red raspberry, Rubus idaeus, 

  • Rosehip, Rosa canina

  • Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis

  • Sage, Salvia officinalis

  • Shepherd’s purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris

  • Thyme, Thymus vulgaris

  • Watercress, Nasturtium officinale

  • Yellow dock, Rumex crispus


How to Make a Standard Tincture Folk Method


Common Therapeutic Actions Cheat Sheet