Holistic vs Western Medicine

When it comes to holistic health and Western medicine, most people think you have to pick one or another.  I believe that there is a time and a place for both.  

If you break your leg, all the teas, tinctures, oils, and poultices are not going to help with your leg.  You need to get your butt to a hospital.  The same goes for a heart attack, stroke, or anything emergency.  Western medicine is the way to go.  Western medicine is big on stopping the symptom.  If you are in a lot of pain, you want this!  If you need surgery, of course, you need Western medicine.  

However, I believe that most people…and I use to be guilty of this, lean too much on Western medicine.  As a society, we are overmedicated and looking for that magic pill that is going to cure all of our problems.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing.  It would be nice if there was though, huh?  Also in Western Medicine, it is pretty much a “One size fits all” deal. 

In holistic health, we treat the symptom as a messenger.  The symptom is there for a reason.  Why?  What is the root cause of the symptom?  If you stop the symptom with medication, sure you are feeling better…for now.  The problem is still there though, and it will probably cause another symptom sometime down the road.  

Now, I believe there are some situations where people need medications, while they are figuring out the root cause.  I am not anti-medication, but as I mentioned before, I believe as a society, we are so overmedicated.  I strongly believe that living a holistic lifestyle and using herbal medicine can help to limit the use of medication. 

Holistic health is also huge on bio-individuality.  We are not one size fits all.  We are all different. We have different genetics, backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs.  Some people run hot, some people run cold.  Some people run dry and some people have too much moisture in their bodies. Because we are all different, we are all going to heal differently. 

Holistic health is all about healing the mind, body, and soul. I have heard many debates on what is more important, being healthier physically or healthier mentally.  I believe they are equally important.  From what I have observed if you are feeling crappy physically, you are probably not going to feel good mentally either, and vice versa.  The mind, body, and soul are intertwined with one another.  It’s important to keep them all as healthy as possible…however life isn’t perfect, so you will always have at least one if not all of them that you are struggling with.  That is okay, that means you are human.  Just do your best and keep working on them without judging yourself.

Holistic health tries to heal as naturally as possible.  We rely on what the earth gave us.  The plants that are out there are what the earth, mother nature, god…or whoever you believe in, provided are amazing.  Most people have medicine in their backyards and don’t even know it.  

Let's go back and talk about people that have had emergencies.  For example, let's say someone had a heart attack.  They need to go to the hospital and let Western medicine do its thing.  Then when they get home, then they can look into living a more holistic lifestyle.  They can make sure they are getting plenty of vegetables and fruit.  Keeping their stress managed.  Then take plenty of herbs like hawthorn, garlic, and celery seeds.

As you can see, holistic medicine and Western medicine are pretty different, and there is a time and a place for both…or they can be used together.  

What are your thoughts on Holistic Health and Western Medicine?    


Herbs for Anxiety